AKA "The B*stard Offspring of The Old DIY Disco and a Lot of Caffeine"
We have made notes on people reactions and comments on the DIY discos of old, and have come to a couple of conclusions – the first one being "You can't please all the people all the time" and the other being "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", however we would like to add a couple of rules to this traditional fun theme for this year –
Cd's must not be longer than 15 minutes
As they will be played at the beginning of the Ball – we are looking for Movie based songs, maybe your favourite song from a soundtrack or a theme based on a selection of movies (80s brat pack anyone? Bond Movies?)
Quality over quantity – think of songs that people would dance to!
The top 8 CDs will be played at the beginning to the ball at 7pm, with the #1 CD being played before the evening DJ takes over at 9pm.
All CDs must be given to the reception desk, with a write up what they are, artist and featured film, by last orders on the Friday night; unfortunately there will be no exceptions to this rule! Voting will take place on Saturday and ends at 4pm, giving us time to count the votes and place the top CDs.
Good Luck!!
Laura X